Polycrystalline silicon is also known as "semicrystalline silicon", "polysilicon", "poly-Si", or just "poly". Comparing with single-crystal silicon, polycrystalline silicon always has visible grain, as it is composed of small silicon crystals. The purity of polysilicon can be up to 99.9999%, after depositing with high technologies. Polysilicon thin films can be widely used as MOS transistor gate electrodes and for interconnection in MOS circuits. The electrical feature of a poly-Si thin film depends on its doping. Usually, more dopants result in lower resistivity, but the grain boundaries are the most barriers for poly-Si's conductivity. Semicrystalline silicon is sometimes used as resistor, as well as for ensuring ohmic contacts for shallow junctions.
We PV Company is the major polycrystalline silicon manufacturer based in China. We are specialized in manufacturing all kinds of polycrystalline silicon that can be used as raw material for PV industries. We provide high-purity blocky solar semicrystalline silicon in silicon factories, which are used to produce crucible and crystal growth. In addition to polycrystalline silicon, we also produce solar cell, silicon wafer, solar panels and so on. All these solar products are environmental friendly and have been certified by IEC, UL, TUV and CE.
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